• Crestview 148
  • 71295949 2983857994974137 9059773399655514112 o
  • 20190502-IMG 9368

What we love about Crestview is its rural setting, surrounding by farms and country roads. That's a big part of what makes this place special. At the same time, we want to ensure that our students have the access and opportunity to succeed and compete in tomorrow's world along side students from anywhere on the planet. 

The skills needed to be successful

It is our goal as a district to ensure that our graduates are each successful in life, education, and career. The changing global landscape requires that our students not only have a good foundational knowledge, but are also highly skilled in areas such as problem solving, creativity, collaboration, communication and other similar skills. Their ability to confront the unknown challenges in their future and to apply their prior knowledge and experiences will be key to their future success.

Devices are a tool in the toolkit

Adding computer devices to our schools is not the answer. Rather, technology is one tool in a toolkit of many intended to provide students with greater access to resources, experiences, and opportunities within and outside our community. We want to ensure that our students have access to the same great resources as students in any setting.

Great students. Great Teachers. Great community.

What we value about our district - the community, the parents, the staff, the students - are still the centerpiece of Crestview's character. Throughout our 1:World efforts, our students continue to be taught by the same great faculty with curriculum resources that have been developed or closely reviewed by those faculty. We are committed to the same great relationships and small-district atmosphere that has made this community what it is. More so than a game-changer, technology is an amplifier of the culture that is already present, and our goal is to amplify quality instruction and interaction. 

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