Health Safety Updates - Lockers
We have continued to remain diligent as we follow health safety guidelines which includes students and staff wearing masks and physical distancing in our classrooms. Our school is committed to doing all that we can do to keep our students and staff healthy and safe. One recent change includes locker usage. We started the year without students using their lockers. Now that cold weather is upon us, we are using lockers to store coats. Students may use their lockers before school and at dismissal. We have continued to limit locker usage through the day in order to minimize hallway congestion.
Veterans Day
Honoring Veterans has been an important tradition for the Crestview community. We typically host a formal assembly for students, staff, and most importantly the veterans who live in our community. Due to health safety guidelines we had to change our plan. On Friday, November 13th we honored the men and women who have served in all branches of the United States military by hosting a drive through parade. All of the students and staff went outside to pay tribute as veterans drove through our campus. The parade was led by our resource office, Deputy Les Horner, who served in the United States Marine Corps. Our marching band was also in the parade and played a medley of patriotic songs.
After the parade our students and staff went back in the building to watch a short video that was put together by our video production classes. The video included an introduction from our school administration, musical selections performed by elementary students, an interview with Deputy Horner, and a poem that was read by freshmen, Kailey Durow. Also, many of our staff took the time to share their personal connections to veterans.
Career Advising
Crestview High School is partnering with the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development. We began conversations last spring with Clint Knight, director of workforce development. His role is connecting high school students and graduates to career opportunities. Clint toured our school with Mr. Ditlevson and Mr. Dunlap in order to understand the type of programming we offer as well as the needs of our students. It was determined that the next step would be to start meeting with our students. Recently, Clint returned and met with groups of students. Our guidance counselor, Cody Lemke also helped facilitate discussions. This opportunity will hopefully lead to some fruitful job internships and job shadowing opportunities that will lead to full time employment.
Social Emotional Supports
At Crestview High School, we understand that students need to go beyond academics and career readiness. We know that students have social and emotional needs as well. In order to meet these needs we have partnered with the Richland County Mental Health and Recovery Board and Appleseed Community Mental Health Center in Ashland. Appleseed will be providing a school counselor who will be on campus meeting with students, facilitating small group discussions, and support to our staff. AmyMorgan of Appleseed will be working closely with our school counselors. Amy will be with us through December. Second Semester, another counselor from Appleseed, Ashley Hughes, will be taking over.